The movers came with my crap yesterday.
Furniture went in my bedroom, boxes were sent to the office. I'm so fortunate to have great friends - Friend From DC is visiting for a week and she single-handedly organized my closet. Friend Now Living Here stopped by and sliced open boxes and helped me dump the contents. Roommate walked in on this chaos and jumped right in. All the boxes are emptied, in a pile waiting for recycling.
The contents of the boxes, however, are in various piles around the office. Ugh. Why am I such a pack rat? Why did the movers pack a Gu gel packet in with Army orders putting me at Fort Hood? (Those orders were revoked, by the way, when I agreed to extend my tour in Korea for 4 more months). I think the movers would have packed my trash can if I hadn't supervised them!
Despite the mess in the office, my room at least looks like my room again - my bed is made, pictures are up on the wall.

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