Thursday, January 31, 2008


We took Friend From DC to Breckenridge - Friend Who's A Lawyer and Her Husband rent a house outside Breck with a group of other people, so we drove up Saturday morning with plans to stay the night. My snowboard is still at this other guy's house and it was a lot more effort to get and prep than I was willing to put into it. I dropped them off and went snowshoeing for a few hours.

Drinks in the afternoon with other friends, then dinner in town. Us girls were so tired (probably from the sushi and then martinis the night before), we were showered, in pjs ready for bed at 8.

The drive home takes us through South Park, CO (for those who didn't know, South Park really is a town - small, but real). We got a pic with Mr. Hankey. Ha ha ha!

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