I took this picture this morning. The day started somewhat ok. It was in the low 40s, high 30s during the Garden run this morning. I wore shorts, only because I thought I had a pair of yoga pants in my car (oh, I didn't) into which I could change. *sigh* Late this morning it started raining then snowing. Then the sun came out. And now its snowing again! As G.O.B. would say, "C'mon!"
Today is my last Army Day! Say it with me "Woohoo!"
This week has been crazy but good. I spent a lot of time with Friend Now Living Here which, I'm going to have to change her name to Friend Who Moved to Delaware. The two kids and her are leaving tomorrow! What am I going to do?! Monday, we spent (minus the kids) two and half hours at Target. Yes, it is completely possible to spend 2+ hours in Target. Especially when the Target has a built in Starbucks! Hey!
I've mentioned that B and I committed to running the Garden of the Gods 10 Mile and their Tues/Thurs training runs. At first we were running with the Middle of the Pack group. The past few runs we've mixed it up with the two trail groups - we tried the slower trail group last week which was fun. Tuesday we decided to run with the fast trail group - not because we're fast, we just didn't want to stop and wait with the slower trail group. Um, yeah. That run I think was the hardest run I've done - 63 minutes of torture. And we weren't even keeping up with the group! The rest of Tuesday I was sick. S.I.C.K. and I blame the run. Needless to say, this morning B and I ran with the Social group and that was a nice 47 min run. There was a craptastic hill included, but really, you can't run the Garden without running hills. *sigh*
Yesterday Boy took me to the driving range. Other than Adventure Golf during gym summer school, I've never hit a golf ball. He proved to be a good instructor (though he says he's an awful golfer) - I hit almost every ball and some I even hit straight and quite well. It was way more fun than I thought. Plus it was a beautiful day (70s) yesterday - hard not to enjoy it.
This weekend we're running a 1/2 marathon in Fort Collins.
As it has been said before.............wait a few minutes or drive to another part of town.............and the wx will be different.....more to your liking.
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