Another Former Roommate is in town visiting and its been so great to catch up with her. Not wanting to waste time, we drove up to see Current Roommate at work. Today, CR was the belay at the climbing wall, and what better way to spend time with friends than to put her to work!
Another friend of ours is the manager at the Title Nine here in Colorado Springs. Yesterday was opening day, so we walked over there to see her and the new store.
My little (ok, not so little) Pink House has seen a lot of girls though it - and friends of girls and friends of friends of girls. My little circle of friends here keeps growing and its seems like wherever I go, I run into someone who knows someone who knows our house.
i want to work for Title 9!! put in a good word for me ;)
Don't you know anyone who is a couch potato? Oh wait you do, that would be me! I have to say, I'd like to try rock climbing, it looks like fun. The kids are going to a climbing birthday party this month, I'll make sure I take pictures.
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