Thursday, February 28, 2008

Taxes. And I'm Sick.

So, its not really a good night. I'm actually doing both my 2006 and my 2007 taxes. And I feel awful. Sick. Stuffy.

Roommate just came in from a run, wish I could have joined her. Its beautiful outside. Warm. Sunny. Minimal wind.

I hope I feel better tomorrow.

1 comment: said...

Hi, Cpt Amato.
This is Maj Kim as a RoK Marine. I'm here in the Korea as a student in the RoK Army collage. at first, I'm sorry I forgot say hello to you! I'm missing the Zaytun's life so I typed the "Zaytun" on the internet. I'm surprised that I found your Blogger. Anyway, I hope you to archieve your dream in your life.


Maj Kim from Korea.